Sitologi tumbuhan : ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk, susunan, sifat fisik dan kimia sel tumbuhan serta perkembangan dinding selnya
Histologi : ilmu yang mempelajari sekelompok atau sekumpulan sel yang membentuk suatu jaringan, dimana sekelompok sel tersebut memiliki ciri yang serupa, baik bentuk, sifat, maupun fungsinya sam
Organologi :ilmu yang mempelajari alat-alat pada tubuh tumbuhan yang tampak dari luar, yaitu akar, batang, daun, bunga, buah, biji
Konsep sel tumbuhan
The cell is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is the smallest unit of an organism that is classified as living, and is often called the building block of life. Some organisms, such as most bacteria, are unicellular (consist of a single cell). Other organisms, such as humans, are multicellular.
-Eukaryotic cells are about 10 times the size of a typical prokaryote and can be as much as 1000 times greater in volume. The major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound compartments in which specific metabolic activities take place. Most important among these is the presence of a cell nucleus, a membrane-delineated compartment that houses the eukaryotic cell's DNA. It is this nucleus that gives the eukaryote its name, which means "true nucleus." Other differences इन्क्लुड़ेBerdasarkan ada tidaknya selubung/membran inti, serta membran yang mengikat berbagai macam organela, sel dibedakan menjadi 2 :
sel yang tidak mempunyai membran inti/ membran yang mengikat organela-organela, DNA terkonsentrasi pada daerah yang disebut nukleoidcontoh : bakteri dan cyanobakteri
sel yang mempunyai struktur yang komplek, inti dan organel lainnya terbungkus oleh membran inti dan terdapat pada suatu larutan semi cair disebut sitosol contoh : tumbuhan, hewan
Perbedaan utama sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan :►Pada tumbuhan memiliki membran plasma dengan dinding sel yang kuat
pada hewan hanya mempunyai membran plasma saja
►Pada tumbuhan dijumpai plastida
pada hewan tidak ada
►Pada sel tumbuhan beberapa vakuola yang kecil-kecil dapat bersatu menjadi vakuola yang besar
pada sel hewan vakuola tetap kecil
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Zacharias Janssen |
Zacharias Janssen - made 1st compound microscope
a Dutch maker of reading glasses (late 1500’s)
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Leeuwenhoek |
made a simple microscope (mid 1600’s)
magnified 270X
Early microscope lenses made images larger but the image was not clear
Leeuwenhoek's mikroscope
A) a screw for adjusting the height of the object being examined
B) a metal plate serving as the body
C) a skewer to impale the object and rotate it
D) the lens itself, which was spherical
MODERN MICROSCOPES lA microscope is simple or compound depending on how many lenses it contains
l A lens makes an enlarged image & directs light towards you eye
CELL THEORY •A theory resulting from many scientists’ observations & conclusions
1. The basic unit of life is the cell. (Hooke)
lIn 1665, an English scientist named Robert Hooke made an improved microscope and viewed thin slices of cork viewing plant cell walls
lHooke named what he saw "cells"
1700, Antonie van Leuwenhoek
Menemukan bulatan kecil berwarna hijau di dalam sel daun anggrek segar dsbt kloroplas
1883, Robert Brown
Menemukan nukleus, ternyata di dalamnya terdapat bulatan kecil disebut nukleolus leh penemunya Mathias Scleiden
2. All living things are made of 1 or more cells.Matthias Schleiden (botanist studying plants)
Theodore Schwann (zoologist studying animals) stated that all living things were made of cells
3. All cells divide & come from old cells. (Virchow)![]() |
Virchow |
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